Sunday, June 26, 2011

Welcome to My Blog!

Is this thing on? Hello? Testing, one, two, three...

Well, here goes my first attempt at blogging on the Internet. Hope I don't screw it up!

The big news is I published my first book, Interpreter for the Dead, on the Kindle and Nook.

Actually, my wife did after prying it from my cold, dead, insecure hands - but that's another story. It's actually selling pretty well. I have even received a few reviews on Amazon, and so far nobody has demanded their money back or lost their lunch after reading it! :)

I'm still working on the second book in the series, Sons of Silence, which I hope to have done sometime this fall. Hope everybody likes it!



  1. I just finished your first one and went immediately to amazon to order the second! Imagine my disappointment when it wasn't there. Loved Michael and AJ, can't wait for the next installment.

  2. Hi Gina -

    I'm glad you enjoyed the first book - I certainly enjoyed writing it and discovering who Michael and AJ were along the way!

    I am feverishly working on the second book and hope to have it out this fall. Comments like this from readers like you spur me on (if you have the time or inclination, it would be awesome if you could post a brief review on Amazon).

    I love writing it - it's just tough finding the time to do it between a day job and three kids! :)

    - David
